Thursday, March 6, 2008

ROH Keeps Controversial Storyline

It seems Ring of Honor officials have had a change of heart and have announced that a controversial angle involving a possible “rape” will not be cut from a future ROH DVD after all.

During their latest live event on Feb. 23, ROH ran an angle involving Larry Sweeney, Bobby Dempsey and Allison Danger that has since become a hot topic among ROH and pro wrestling fans.

I originally posted about this incident on Feb. 25. Recently I was able to find some pictures of the incident, so once again, here's what happened only now with p-i-c-t-u-r-e-s:

(pics by Scott Finkelstein)

Larry Sweeney, who plays a heel sports agent gimmick, had a talk show segment during the event.

He was in the ring with another wrestler named Bobby Dempsey, who is rather overweight and is constantly berated by Sweeney because of it.

Sweeney’s talk-show guest was Allison Danger, a female wrestler on the ROH roster.

Sweeney allegedly calls Danger a “slut”. She's not having it and goes to leave the ring.

Before she leaves Sweeney knocks her out with a microphone from behind (remember kids wrestling is “fake”, so she isn’t really knocked out). He then reportedly tells Dempsey to have his way with the unconscious Allison Danger.

When Dempsey refuses, Sweeney knocks him out as well and he falls on top of the woman.

According to an article from, ROH Booker Gabe Sapolsky released a statement on the ROH Message Boards regarding the matter:

"Well, I was a little hasty in pulling "The Larry Sweeney Show Starring Larry Sweeney" from the 6th Anniversary Show DVD (mostly due to my lovely & beautiful wife yelling at me over it). After putting together the DVD last night, I felt that this segment needed to go on so you could judge it for yourself.

I stand by my apology and once again apologize if you were offended. Our goal in ROH is not to be controversial or offensive like some promotions. Our goal is to give you an enjoyable wrestling product. I still maintain that you will not see anything like this from ROH again."

It sounds bad and it looks bad from the pics, but I do agree with Sapolsky in that people should be allowed to see it and judge what happened for themselves.

This isn’t the first time the envelope has been pushed a little too far in pro wrestling. It’s sometimes kind of hard to forget WWE’s Katie Vick angle involving Triple H and Kane in 2002:

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